Second week of class

Hello earthlings! Welcome back!  So before that, I started blogging since I was 14 years old. I created my blog as my online diary and updated my blog almost every day. It was fun! And now i started blogging again and will share about internet and technologies.  On the first class for this week, it was about blogging. So, basically, in a school context, there are 4 types of blogs which are weblog, tutor blog, class blog and learner blog.

Do you know why you use blog? For me, I use because I love sharing. instead of personal reason, blog is also can provide an extra reading for students and as an online journal. Furthermore, it is also can encourage shy students to participate. So no more shy! Blog is easier to use and it provides a free reliable platform to spread information.

Lets blogging!

Next, i will explain about CMC (Computer Mediated Communication). CMC is any form of communication or interaction between 2 or more people via separate computers through any network. In other words, any communication patterns mediated through a computer. Nowadays, we use Whatsapp as our to communicate with people. Yup, Whatsapp is an example of synchronous CMC. Same goes to Facebook, twitter or any social medias.

CMC has two types which are
Asynchronous CMC
- Messages are not replied immediately such as emails, blogs and message boards 
Synchronous CMC
-Messages are replied immediately or can be direct communication such as chat rooms, messenger and Whatsapp.

