4th week of class!

Hello lovelies! So today i would like to share about Podcast. The word Podcast comes from iPod which is Apple Portable Mp3 player and broadcast.Do you know that we can learn new vocabularies and enhance our listening skill by listening to audio or we called as Podcast. It can perform many functions. It is actually a broadcast via the internet and you can download it to your computer or smartphone. For example, MP3 player.

So lets try podcasting!

  • First, you need a voice recorder or you can use your smartphone.
  • Next,you can edit your audio in editing tools such as Audacity, Wavepad or any online audio editor.
  • Finally, you can upload it to your favourite podcast medium. Such as Youtube, iTunes, Soundcloud or blog.

So here is my podcast that i would like to share with you.
A short story about a haunted house.
Just click the link below.
